• Nutrition

Photo © ISCG, Syed Md Tafhim

The Nutrition Sector was established in 2017 during the Rohingya refugee influx in Cox’s Bazar to provide coordinated nutrition interventions. To ensure effective delivery of services, the Sector collaborates with 09 partners, including the Government of Bangladesh. This collaboration allows the Sector to operate at the forefront of nutritional interventions. The Sector has a Strategic Advisory Group that advocates for strategic priorities and supports contingency plans. The Sector comprises three technical working groups: the Infant and Young Child in Emergency Working Group, the Community Management of Acute Malnutrition Working Group, and the Assessment and Information Management Working Group. These working groups guarantee compliance with international standards.

The Government and the nutrition partners have established integrated nutrition facilities (INFs) to address systemic malnutrition in the camps and Bangladeshi communities, specifically focusing on children under five, pregnant and lactating mothers, and mothers of children under two years.

Key Figures 2024


USD 44.60M 10 467,891
Funding Required Partners People in Need


392,791 293,706 99,085
People Targeted Rohingya Refugees Targeted Host Community Targeted

Strategy Documents

Technical Guidance

NS Bulletin

Resources and Data


Working Groups

Strategic Advisory Group (SAG)

Terms of Reference (ToR)

Members (10)

Government Stakeholders (2): Civil Surgeon’s Office, RRRC

National NGOs (2): GK, SHED

International NGOs (2): Concern, WVI

UN Agencies (3): UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP

Coordination Body (1): Nutrition Sector


Appealing Partners:

Action against Hunger (ACF), Concern Worldwide (Concern), Save the Children (SCI), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and World Food Programme (WFP)

Implementing Partners:

Action against Hunger (ACF), Concern Worldwide (Concern), Gonoshasthaya Kendra (GK), Society for Health Extension and Development (SHED), World Vision (WVI), Friendship

Sector Meetings

Meeting Minutes

SAG Meeting Minutes
Coordination Meeting Minutes
AIM TWG Meeting Minutes
CMAM TWG Meeting Minutes
  • CMAM TWG Meeting Minutes July 2024
IYCF TWG Meeting Minutes


Kibrom Tesfaselassie
Sector Coordinator
Nutrition Sector, Cox’s Bazar
Mobile: +880 1701 208902
Email: [email protected]
Mohd Mostakim Ali
Information Management Officer
Nutrition Sector, Cox’s Bazar
Mobile: +880 1824 016708
Email: [email protected]
Suparna Das Toma
UNV Nutrition Officer
Nutrition Sector, Cox’s Bazar
Mobile: +880 1952 251759
Email: [email protected]