Cash & Transfers
Page Contents

Photo © FAO, Saikat Mojumder
Transfers Working Group is open to all agencies engaged in cash-based programming in the host and refugee response in Cox’s Bazar since 20 October 2017. It comprises UN agencies, government authorities, international and national NGOs, CBOs, and other organisations leading an effective inter-sectoral cash and market coordination mechanism. This working group aims to harmonise and improve the quality, timeliness, and appropriateness of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and ensure systematic and evidence-based cash and market programming in the humanitarian response to the Rohingya crisis.
This group also provides an enabling environment for strategic, technical, and operational engagement of stakeholders in cash transfer programming in the Rohingya Crisis response and facilitates effective, principled, inclusive cash assistance coordination across humanitarian actors and specifically focuses on
(a) cash and voucher information exchange,
(b) harmonised and a well-coordinated cash and voucher response,
(c) cash and voucher capacity building,
(d) development of cash and voucher strategies/ guidance/ SoPs, etc.
Strategy Documents
Technical Guidance
- [Final] Guidance on Volunteer engagement NTF, 21 Aug 2022
- CfW and Volunteer Incentive Rates 2018
- Cash for Work SOP, 2018
- Guidelines on Cash Package for COVID 19 Response, Final 2020
- Guidelines on MPCG Final, March 2018
- Final Volunteer Bonus Proposal, 21 Sept 2020
- Transfers WG guideline on CaLP free courses, 2022
All Sectors, FAO, IOM, UNICEF, UNHCR, UN Women, WFP, CWW, ActionAid, ESDO, Oxfam, Qatar Charity, IFRC, BDRCS, BRAC, ICCO Cooperation, Save the Children, GiZ, World Vision, FIVDB, Tearfund, IRC, CRS, Habitat Bangladesh
Meeting Minutes
- Please contact the working group focal point for updates
Kajal Ahmed Leon
National Cash Officer – ISCG Secretariat
Mobile: +88 01755 589118
Email: [email protected]