• Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)

At Cox’s Bazar level, the Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) network was established in October 2017 following the largest scale influx of Rohingya refugees in August 2017. The UN Resident Coordinator’s responsibility on PSEA in Cox’s Bazar is operationalized daily through the ISCG Principal Coordinator, and the PSEA Network Coordinator who is leading the efforts to eradicate SEA in the humanitarian response.


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Rajib Rahman
Officer in Charge
PSEA Network Associate 
Inter Sector Coordination Group – Bangladesh (ISCG)
Email: [email protected]

Melissa Bencik
PSEA Network Co-chair
PSEA Program Manager
United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
Email: [email protected]

PSEA Network Co-chair
Child Protection Coordinator 
Terre des Hommes Foundation
Email: [email protected]