• Gender-Based Violence

Photo courtesy: UNFPA

The Gender-Based Violence Sub-Sector in Cox’s Bazar comprises more than 71 standing member organisations; including, UN, INGO, NNGO and government agencies operating in the Rohingya refugee camps and the surrounding affected host community locations. The sub-sector works to prevent and respond to Gender-Based Violence through strengthening community-based GBV programming. The key strategic objectives of the Sub-Sector include:

1) ensuring access to quality multi-sector GBV response services for survivors,
2) building the capacity of GBV service providers and other stakeholders to deliver quality care in line with best practices and minimum standards for humanitarian settings;
3) enabling active participation of affected communities in GBV awareness raising, response, prevention and risk mitigation.
4) enhancing GBV risk mitigation across humanitarian sectors and with the government, and
5) strengthening coordination and planning for the sustainability of the GBV response.

The GBV Sub-Sector (led by UNFPA) works in close collaboration with the Child Protection Sub-Sector (led by UNICEF) within the Protection Sector (led by UNHCR). The Sub-sector participates with other humanitarian sectors in the Inter-sector Coordination Group (ISCG).

Key Figures 2024


USD 25.3M 22 1.01M
Funding Required Partners People in Need


755,626 562,517 193,109
People Targeted Rohingya Refugees Targeted Host Community Targeted

GBVSS Members & Camp Focal Points (CFP), Referral Pathway

Strategy Documents

Technical Guidance

Resources and Data


    Working Groups

    Strategic Advisory Group (SAG)

    GBVSS SAG ToR 2023

    SAG members: UNFPA; UNHCR; UNICEF; IOM; World Vision; BRAC, BNPS, PSEA Network; ADWG

    JRP Partners

    Appealing Partners:
    UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNWomen, IOM, IRC, DRC, CARE Bangladesh, World Vision
    Implementing Partners:
    AAB, Aid Comilla, Ain O Shalish Kendra, Bandhu Social Welfare Society, BRAC, BNPS, CARE Bangladesh, DRC, GUK, IRC, Mukti CXB, Nari Maitree, Oxfam, Plan International, PULSE Bangladesh, YPSA

      Sector Meetings

      Meeting Minutes


      Kristin Schmitz
      GBV Sub-Sector Coordinator
      Email: [email protected]
      United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

      Jay (Pei-Chieh) Tseng
      GBV Sub-Sector Information Management Officer (IMO)
      GBVIMS Coordinator
      Email: [email protected]
      United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)