• Information Management and Assessment

The Information Management and Assessment Working Group (IMAWG) coordinates information management activities and multi-sector needs assessments for the Rohingya Refugee Response in Cox’s Bazar.

Objectives of the IMAWG:

    • Coordinate from an inter-sectoral perspective the establishment and management of needs assessments, response planning and monitoring systems, and other information systems.
    • Analyze inter-sectoral data.
    • Provide a forum for discussions of data collection methodologies, data quality, and technical data issues.
    • Promote harmonization of codes and standards for locations, population types, and other datasets, to facilitate comparison of data from various sources.
    • Systematically share information on an inter-sectoral basis between organizations working on the refugee response in Cox’s Bazar, including reports, statistics, maps, assessments and other information products.
    • Disseminate information among partners, donors, and the general public, and promote a common platform for dissemination.

Technical Guidance




Sector and Sub-Sector IMOs

Extended group – current members:

    • International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
    • International Organization for Migration (IOM) – Needs and Population Monitoring (NPM)
    • REACH Initiative
    • Save the Children (SCI)
    • United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
    • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
    • World Food Programme (WFP)


Meetings of the IMAWG are held on an ad hoc basis, and are chaired by ISCG. For new calendar entries, please share your activity schedules using this link:

2025 IMAWG Calendar – entries

Meeting Minutes


Neren Heinjie Olarte
Information Management Coordinator
Email: [email protected]

Sk Sabbir Hossain
Information Management Officer
Email: [email protected]

Fahmida Sultana
Information Management and GIS Associate
Email: [email protected]