• Communication and External Relations

The Communications Group Cox’s Bazar is being convened to strengthen cooperation on communications between all agencies, INGOs and NGOs involved in the humanitarian and development response, to ensure consistency of public messaging and increase the profile of humanitarian needs and activities among key audiences through the media, digital and social media and other channels. The Communications Group will facilitate coordinated public information activities to show the work of the humanitarian community and ensure strategic and continuous advocacy for humanitarian and development priorities.

Coordinated, inter-agency communication and advocacy do not replace the individual communication efforts of individual organisations that may need to highlight specific issues depending on their focus or mandate. However, the aim is to ensure that the humanitarian community uses consistent information to speak with one voice when advantageous through coordinated messaging and activities and to focus attention on critical humanitarian and development issues.

Strategy Documents




Meeting Minutes


Monsoon Rains Trigger Deadly Flash Floods and Landslides in Cox’s Bazar Refugee Camps

UN agencies and the entire humanitarian community are deeply saddened by the tragic deaths of 10 people, including at least seven Rohingya refugees, as heavy monsoon rains battered refugee camps in Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar on Tuesday, causing flash floods and landslides.

UN and partners seek $852.4m to support Rohingya refugees and Bangladeshi hosts

UN agencies, with other humanitarian partners, today called on the international community to redouble efforts to protect and assist Rohingya refugees and their host communities. Bangladesh is generously hosting nearly a million Rohingya refugees, most of whom fled Myanmar seven years ago.

WFP to increase food ration from US$8 to US$10 for all Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is gearing up to restore its critical food assistance for the entire Rohingya population in Cox’s Bazar. Starting 1 January 2024, WFP will increase the food ration from US$8 to US$10 per person per month, and gradually add locally fortified rice to its food assistance package.

CERF allocates $8 million to the Rohingya refugee response in Bangladesh

The United Nations’ Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) has allocated $8 million to provide support to almost a million Rohingya refugees staying in camps in Cox’s Bazar district and on the island of Bhasan Char. The funding allocation to Bangladesh is a part of the CERF initiative to support underfunded humanitarian operations in 14 countries in Africa, Asia, the Americas and the Middle East.

UN and Partners Appeal for Sustained Support as Rohingya Refugee Influx Marks 6th Year in Bangladesh

25 August marks six years since over 700,000 Rohingya women, men and children from Myanmar fled to Bangladesh. They joined hundreds of thousands of other Rohingya who had previously sought refuge in the country.

Unveiling the General Health Card: A Comprehensive Health Companion for Rohingya Refugees

In an event held today, the Rohingya refugee community witnessed a monumental stride towards accessible and comprehensive healthcare with the introduction of the General Health Card. The initiative promises to improve healthcare services for thousands living in the camps, facilitating a seamless flow of medical information and enhancing overall well-being.

Rohingya refugee children of all ages are now studying under the Myanmar curriculum

Despite fires burning down learning centres and Cyclone Mocha’s wrath, a record 300,000 Rohingya refugee children attend first day of school.

Rohingya Struggle to Meet Their Nutritional Needs with Latest Food Ration Cuts

Faced with a global funding shortage, the World Food Programme recently implemented a new round of food ration cuts for Rohingya refugees living in the world’s largest refugee camp.

UN Resident Coordinator in Bangladesh calls for urgent support following Cyclone Mocha

Cyclone Mocha Flash Appeal for Bangladesh issued today seeks USD 42.1 million to support 536,000 Rohingya refugees and 243,000 Bangladeshis.

On a remote island in Bhasan Char – the essential Sexual and Reproductive Health and Protection needs of refugees are being met

Halima*, a pregnant refugee, arrived at the health post five months pregnant and feeling unwell. The midwives at the facility provided her with antenatal care, conducted regular health checkups, to ensure the well-being of her newborn. Life on the island, Bhasan Char was tough, but Halima knew she and her baby were in good hands.


Syed Md Tafhim
Communications and PI Officer – ISCG Secretariat
Email: [email protected]